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almost all e-feds today are based on roleplaying. this means that the handler who roleplays the best in each match will be written in as the winner. this fed is no different. roleplaying is the single most important feature of this e-fed and it is important to know how to do it correctly.

what we like to see in roleplays are good length and good humor. the roleplay should be several paragraphs in length and should tell some sort of a story. it should also make whoever is reading it, laugh at some point. don't just threaten your opponenet, out talk them.

the equivelent to this in real wrestling would be when a wrestler such as Rock comes down to the ring as talks a whole load of trash. he makes fun of the other wrestlers and says his famous phrases.

it could also be something like when a camera is in the locker room watching a wrestler while they are preparing for their match and a conversation between two important players are going on. i.e. a wrestler and his manager/valet.

the third and probably most used roleplay is an interview. the fed's interviewer asks the wrestler to come to the ring so he can ask him a few questions. a good real life example of this is when mean gene okerland interviews wrestlers in wcw.

you can come up with your own ways of roleplaying, but these three are the most popular and most commonly used. if you still do not know what you are supposed to do, head over to the roleplay board and look at the roleplays from some of the fed's champions. then you can get a good example of length and content.