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now vp of throwdown wrestling, dave catlette, stumbled across e-wrestling on the internet in the summer of 1998. we didn't know much about it back then, but we tried it out anyway. we soon learned how to roleplay and had much success as a combined team. title after title fell into our hands and dave soon wanted to start his own fed, the WFW [World Fantasy Wrestling], which is now closed. it featured many great wrestlers who have now moved on to other feds.

i became vp of his then new fed and liked the aspect of designing web pages, dave liked to write cards and results, and there is no way to keep him away from a roleplay board. that was our first project with e-wrestling.

next came the IWL [Internet Wrestling League], which is still running, but not by me of course. this time i became the prez because i did most of the updating anyway. dave continued to write cards and results, and naturally winning the world title belt with his roleplaying skill. that fed went through many changes and different site designs, but it was eventually given to another prez because we couldn't keep it running.

our third fed was throwdown wrestling, but it was located on the angelfire server. that was basically a fed where i could test my web page design ability, as it never really took off. it had very few matches and no real talent, besides dave of course.
i have now moved the fed to tripod, which is a faster and more reliable server. of course with the switch came a new site design. the fed has offically been a fed for several monthes, but has had very few matches due to lack to members and lack to time.

what you see now is a combination of two years experience in e-wrestling and web page design. the fed known as throwdown wrestling has not had much success, but is destined to be great. it is already in the top 100 of the IWO top 100 e-feds, and it is slicker then ever. with time, good wrestlers, and a little luck, we hope to make this one of the best feds on the net.

-prez derrick geiszler

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past champ date title obtained defeated/ defended title lost title

past champ date title obtained defeated/ defended title lost title

past champ date title obtained defeated/ defended title lost title

past champ date title obtained defeated/ defended title lost title

past champs date title obtained defeated/ defended title lost title